Thursday, July 24, 2008


I think it's amazing how certain people can have such an enormous impact on our lives and they probably don't even know it. In fact, we might not even know it. When I was younger and we lived in California I had a friend names Mrs. T. I used to play at her house any chance that I could which was usually everyday. We did just normal things. I mainly remember playing go fish, walking her dogs, and baking cookies. Before we moved she painted a porcelain nativity scene that I still have to this day. It's survived 18 years and at least 3 moves. Every Christmas I pull that out and think of her and wonder what ever happened to her and how she is doing. Well I started getting curious about 7 years ago and tried looking her up on line with no success. Then last week I started my venture again. This time....SUCCESS! She is living in Vegas, only 6 short hours away. I haven't talked to her yet, but my mom called the phone number that I found to see if it was the right person. It gives me such a feeling of accomplishment and joy knowing that I finally found her. I can't even count how many times she has crossed my mind. Almost on a daily basis it seems like. I don't know what it was that she did to have such an impact on my life but she has. Mrs T and her caring, giving, and generous nature is one of the few things that I remember about living in California. I'm going to call her tomorrow, just thinking of it gives me butterflies in my stomach. I will update you all later after we talk.


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